Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles is a non profit 501(c)3, no kill rescue committed to saving
all types of German Shepherd Dogs from high kill shelters and adopting them to loving, qualified homes.

Trooper von Thale

Trooper von Thale is a gorgeous 2-3 year old sable German Shepherd. A sweet, loving boy who runs up to you and rubs on you for petting, he is always happy and ready to start his walk, does well on leash and nicely keeps in a heel position. This handsome and very smart boy has a medium energy level, loves to please and is treat-motivated - taking treats gently. His “college credentials” include graduate level knowledge of “Sit," “Down," and “Paw." And he is likely housebroken. His doggie public-manners show him to meet dogs well - being even amenable to group walks - but he tends to just ignore them. Trooper does well in playgroups, going in calmly and focused on exploring the yard. He prefers to keep to himself at these “cocktail parties” rather than mingle, preferring to do his own thing and come up to his people for petting. Trooper takes a dim view of pushy/dominant dogs; cats also are on his “Do not meet” list.


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